
Looking for answers?

To enroll in a course, simply browse our course catalog, select the course you're interested in, and click the "Enroll" button. Follow the prompts to complete the enrollment process.

Yes, our website is mobile-friendly, allowing you to access course materials and lectures on your smartphone or tablet.

Once enrolled in a course, you will have unlimited access to the course materials for lifetime.

Yes, upon successfully completing a course, you will receive a certificate of completion that you can download and share with your professional network.

With a single enrollment, you can access all other courses available on our platform. We offer unlimited access to our entire course catalog with one enrollment.

We accept payments via credit card and debit card, All transactions are processed securely through our payment gateway. For local payment we accept JazzCash and Easypaisa.

Some courses may have prerequisites or recommended prerequisites listed in the course description. Please review the course details before enrolling.

Yes, you can enroll in multiple courses simultaneously. Once enrolled, you will have access to all enrolled courses from your account dashboard.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, you can contact our customer support team at contact@skilliency.com. We're here to help!, you can also contact us through contact us link at the bottom of the website.

Yes, we offer discounts for group enrollments and corporate teams. Please contact our sales team at sales@skilliency.com for more information on group pricing.

Yes, students can download the courses after enrollment and learn offline. Here's how:

Click on "Download for Offline Learning": Look for the "Download" option provided for offline learning.

Download All Parts: Once you click on "Download," the course materials will be packaged into multiple parts for easier downloading.

Download Completed Parts: Proceed to download all the parts of the course to your device.

Extract Files: After downloading all parts, extract the files using an extraction tool such as WinZip or WinRAR.

Enjoy Learning: Once all parts are extracted, you can enjoy learning from the course content offline, anytime and anywhere.