Course description

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to build Gutenberg blocks from scratch.  Are you a WordPress theme developer?  Are you a WordPress plugin developer?  Do you build WordPress websites?  Then you really need to check this course out.

In the not so distant future WordPress is going to be releasing a new editor codenamed Gutenberg.  This new editor will replace the existing TinyMCE wysiwyg editor with the goal of making it easy to create rich page and post layouts.

What the heck is a Gutenberg block?  Great question!  These new rich page and post layouts will be built using a collection of blocks.  A Gutenberg block is then just a piece of a website.  A block could be as simple as a button.  Or a button with different customization options.  Or a button with a form to subscribe to a newsletter.  Or a header with a customizable background image.  Get it?!

In this course we walk you through every step of creating a block, from setting up your local development environment to installing WordPress, building your first block in development, and finally preparing your your block plugin for production with lots of opportunities to get really comfortable with the command line and other modern javascript dependencies such as webpack and the Node.js package manager NPM.  

We teach you everything you need, and nothing you don't. 

What will i learn?

  • You'll be able to build blocks from scratch for Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor.
  • You'll feel very comfortable using the command line to copy, create, delete, and move files and directories.
  • You'll know how to create an easy to maintain, scalable architecture for your Gutenberg blocks.
  • You'll be able to set up your development environment for building Gutenberg blocks.
  • You'll be able to build a WordPress plugin from scratch.
  • You'll know how to use your blocks in both plugin and production environments.


  • Be familiar with WordPress.
  • A desktop Mac or Windows computer is required.
  • Be familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and PHP. None of these are required, but knowing a little about each will definitely help.

Skilliency Inc

Web Development | Web Designing | Graphic Designing | Social Media Marketing | SEO | Photoshop | Video Editing | CMS's & Spoken Languages.

Highly Demanding Skills: PHP |  HTML |  CSS  |  JavaScript  |  WordPress  |  Laravel  |  CodeIgniter  | Cake PHP | Joomla | Drupal | Social Media Marketing | SEO | Photoshop | Video Editing & Much more.... Enroll one course and get all the remaining FREE for lifetime, Every week new skill & highly rated course will be added. WhatsApp: +92 343 9595765 / +92 301 8876001

Saima Javid



Learned a lot. good one.

Inam Khan



Incredible learning experience. great course.

Atiq Khattak



good course

Muhammad Waseen



Good course to learn WordPress Gutenberg editor.

Shoukat Ullah



Good course.

Arsam Khan



Well explained. Nice one.

Fawad Naseer



Good Course to create Gutenberg blocks.. recommended.

Sadain Khan



Master Gutenberg block development effortlessly with this comprehensive course—perfect for WordPress developers of all levels aiming to elevate their website-building skills.

Tariq Awan



Unlock the power of Gutenberg blocks with this comprehensive course. From setup to development, it covers everything you need to build custom blocks for WordPress websites with ease.

Waqas Ahmad



This course is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master Gutenberg block development from scratch. Whether you're a WordPress theme or plugin developer, or simply building WordPress websites, this course is a must-attend. With clear explanations and hands-on guidance, you'll learn everything from setting up your development environment to building and optimizing your first Gutenberg block. Plus, the focus on modern JavaScript dependencies ensures you'll stay ahead of the curve in WordPress development. Highly recommended!




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