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PHP for Beginners - 2024 Complete Course

PHP for Beginners - 2024 Complete Course


Build a Content Management System from Scratch with PHP and MySQL

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Mon Apr 2024
Total lectures 199
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 14:10:13.000000 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Build a Content Management System from Scratch with PHP and MySQL
  • Learn how to create a dynamic website using the most popular website programming language
  • Learn how to secure your code
  • Learn how to structure your code using object-oriented programming techniques
  • Style your site using Bootstrap
  • How to store data in a relational database and use this from PHP code
  • Build a working CMS in PHP and MySQL from scratch
  • Learn how to write reusable, more maintainable code using programming standards
  • Learn the theory but then put it into practice in a CMS project
  • How to integrate third-party code into your site
  • Learn all aspects of a basic web application in PHP: login, CRUD operations, sending emails, uploading files, Ajax
  • Access to a computer running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.