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Logo Design Mastery In Adobe Illustrator

Logo Design Mastery In Adobe Illustrator


Learn Logo Design Theory, The Creative Process, How to Work With Clients & Master Adobe Illustrator Tools

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Thu Jul 2024
Total lectures 45
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 05:49:16.000000 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Learn Logo Design Theory, The Creative Process, How to Work With Clients & Master Adobe Illustrator Tools
  • Logo Design Theory
  • Learn the different logo design categories and styles
  • How to present your logos in a professional polished way for your clients or your portfolio
  • Learn what questions to ask before starting a logo design process
  • How to export and send the many files you need after your logo is approved by a client
  • Understand proper font paring and how to work with Typography
  • Become conformable with all aspects of the logo design process
  • The power of color Psychology in Logo Design
  • How to use the Golden Ratio in Logo Design and understand golden ratio theory
  • Learn several ways to find new logo design clients
  • Understand the full creative and brainstorming process in logo design
  • How to work with color and selecting your color palette
  • How to use Photoshop mockups to present polished presentations
  • I highly suggest having the creative cloud version of Adobe Illustrator (any version that is CC). CS6 users can still get a lot out of this class, but those with CS5 or lower may be missing some tools we will use throughout the course