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Learn Chinese Fluently - Made FUN & EASY

Learn Chinese Fluently - Made FUN & EASY


Have a blast learning how to understand and speak Mandarin Chinese with this funny and engaging class.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Fri Apr 2024
Total lectures 149
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 11:41:04.000000 Hours
Total enrolment 58
Number of reviews 9
Avg rating
Short description Have a blast learning how to understand and speak Mandarin Chinese with this funny and engaging class.
  • In this course you'll learn how to understand and speak Chinese so you're confident in daily conversation.
  • Instructional videos, fun practice sessions, pop quizzes, and brain challenges will keep you completely engaged and laughing.
  • Eyes, ears, a brain, a mouth, a big heart, and a sense of humor.
  • Everything you'll need to learn is right within this course.
  • If you come with an open mind, the desire to learn, and a solid work ethic, you'll get all you need out of this course.